Have you ever eaten Sashimi of Shrimp ? I looove it ! I bought fresh shrimps for Sashimi at a supermarket. A fresh shrimp is commonly expensive, but today, I could get it at a low price. How lucky ! My mother peeled the shells from shrimps for me. Thanks mam ! Hum... sashimis of shirimp glisten... beautiful... I ate it with soy source (Shoyu). Needless to say, very very very delicious. You must eat Sashimi of shrimp in Japan !
Do you know Takoyaki ? Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack including diced octopus(tako). It is made of a flour-based dough and cooked in a special molded pan. This time, I ate a Frozen food of Takoyaki. Now we can get any frozen food even Japanese Food. How convenience ! Inside in it : Takoyaki, source, and Katsuobushi(dried bonito) Left side is a Katsuobushi(dried bonito, well-used for Japanese food) Right side is a special source for Takoyaki After microwaving Takoyaki, put the source and Katsuobushi(dried bonito) as well Then, Takoyaki is ready ! Hum... how nice !
Do you like Sashimi ? Seared Bonito = かつおのたたき(Katsuo no tataki) is one of the Sashimis. Slice the Bonito(Katsuo) and a long green onion(Negi). This time, I used a frozen Seared Bonito. When you want to eat it, put the package into the water and wait 10~15 minutes. That's it ! You can eat fresh Seared Bonito whenever you want. Thaaanks for the technical innovation ! Dip it in the soy sauce, and eat it with Negi ! Absolutely delicious !!
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